“The curriculum is a blend of the arts, community, outdoor education, environmental activism and a soft introduction to math, critical thinking and language arts. They’ve woven in specialties like fine art and PE which the kids eat up, their minds exploding with all this newfound information.”

- Jessica Fogel Scott

Academic Curriculum

“As a Seven Arrows alumnus parent, class of 2011, I couldn’t think of a better TK program for my goddaughter. She is thriving and loving waking up every weekday morning to go to be with her friends and teachers. When I ask her what she loves about school, she enthusiastically responds, "playing”. Indeed, this program is play-based, while at the same time, academics are being introduced in the most gentle and age-appropriate way.

Young children need a nurturing & loving environment where they can feel free to express their creativity. Though play may seem superfluous to many, this is how young minds develop well.

I encourage all parents of young children to enroll in this program. You will not only see your child growing into the best version of themselves, but you will also find a community that will become your friends for life.”

– Elsa Chahin, Early Childhood Expert and President & CEO of Pikler/ Loczy USA

Daily Structure

Daily Structure

Our Philosophy of connectedness

Igniting Curiosity Through Science, Makerspace, & Movement

Superior Specialties & High Teacher Ratio

Our Integrated Mindfulness Curriculum

We choose the TK program at Roots & Wings for our son for so many reasons, and it has been a wonderful fit for him and for our family. It feels like this school was created for my son. Gabriel is very curious and deep thinker, and we knew that his mind and curiosity would continue to be stimulated at this school. We knew that the smaller, student focused environment at this school would allow him to thrive. We appreciate the focus on STEAM and academics to help children reach their cognitive potential, while also including a strong focus on social and emotional development to support academics, through a culture of kindness. We have also seen how the experiential learning has allowed him to think more deeply, and make even greater academic connections as he learns. While he is an intellectual boy, it is important to us to have the focus on social emotional development, to help develop him into a well-rounded man,

as he explores his identity and who he truly is.  His teachers are patient, kind, and supportive in every way possible, while allowing him to grow. After the first day of school, he said, “It was the best day of my life.” Thank you to the school for providing such a magical place for our children. We are grateful to be part of such a special community.

–Sharon Neman